Photography is my passion and what I truly love to do! To capture a moment in time, is to have that moment forever. Life is an adventure, a love story, a drama, and sometimes even a comedy. It is the center stage events, as well as little moments in between that make us who we are, and who we strive to be. These moments, like a movie, move ever so quickly. It is through photography that we can capture life, and preserve a moment in time. It is an honor to capture these memories for others. I am a mom, wife, photographer, traveler, and lover of sushi. There is rarely a place I go, without my camera. Even during life’s mundane tasks, something amazing is bound to happen. Whether it be a for new funny face my little one makes, or an unexpected sunset that takes your breath away, I love having a camera by my side.
“Don’t shoot what it looks like. Shoot what it feels like.”
– David Alan Harvey
– David Alan Harvey